Irina Bristow

Brand Your Business like a Pro

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Are you looking to take your business to another level with the power of EFFECTIVE BRANDING TECHNIQUES?

You may be missing out on the key to success because you are not using the right branding techniques. The book will show you modern branding techniques that will help you fix that, so you can get the best results.
A better understanding and projection of your brand will allow you to create a stronger image that attracts customers and investors.
You'll learn how to create a brand that's both unique and recognisable, and that speaks to your target market.
In this book you'll learn:
The Importance of a Name
The Importance of the Logo
The Importance of Color
Contract the Brand
Publicity is a Good Thing
Advertising the Brand
Be Authentic
It’s not all about quality
Category Over Brand
Keep it Simple
Don’t be a Stuck Up Brand
A Second Thought on Naming
Keep Brand Names and Company Names Separate
Beware of Sub-branding
Can You Ever Extend the Brand?
Think Globally
Branding and the Internet
Naming and the Internet
Globalism and the Internet
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