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Stephen Covey

Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

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  • pucit53delade ett intryckför 4 år sedan

    It is quite interesting book, there are lots of things to be learn in this book. This is all about how we perceive things and the current situation of a any event is entirely based on ourselves. I learn many concepts in this book.

  • Akmaral Kuzdanovadelade ett intryckför 5 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa


  • LE MAUSUdelade ett intryckför 8 år sedan
    💡Lärde mig mycket

    Read this in middle school


  • Максимhar citeratför 9 år sedan
    Effectiveness lies in the balance—what I call the P/PC Balance. P stands for production of desired results, the golden eggs. PC stands for production capability, the ability or asset that produces the golden eggs.
  • meryeemdevhar citeratför 5 år sedan
    Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Максимhar citeratför 9 år sedan
    For those filled with regret, perhaps the most needful exercise of proactivity is to realize that past mistakes are also out there in the Circle of Concern. We can’t recall them, we can’t undo them, we can’t control the consequences that came as a result.

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