Courtney Carver



Verónicahar citeratför 2 år sedan
is so deeply intertwined in all of the changes you’ll be making, in the person you are becoming, and in the life you are
Verónicahar citeratför 2 år sedan
had enough.

I am enough.

I don’t need more approval.

I don’t need more money and stuff.

I don’t need more anymore.

When I discovered that I was enough without anything else, I saw that I was love. I am love.
Verónicahar citeratför 2 år sedan
had enough.

I am enough.

I don’t need more approval.

I don’t need more money and stuff.

I don’t need more anymore.

When I discovered that I was enough without anything else, I saw that I was love. I am love.
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