bookmate game




b7043729503har citerati fjol
Trinity Lynn Marrow!” Misha called out. “I swear to Jesus, girl, when I get my hands on you...”

Drawing up short, I closed my eyes.

“I’ll admit I didn’t expect to find out that soon.” Wry humor dripped from Zayne tone.
b7043729503har citerati fjol
Trinity Lynn Marrow!” Misha called out. “I swear to Jesus, girl, when I get my hands on you...”

Drawing up short, I closed my eyes.

“I’ll admit I didn’t expect to find out that soon.” Wry humor dripped from Zayne tone.
b7043729503har citerati fjol
my God! I sidestepped Mischa and glared at the blond Warden. “I swung on you because—”

“I walked up behind you? I’m sorry. I’ll try not to do that again,” he replied, and even though I couldn’t see his face, I heard the smile in his voice.


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