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Isabel Allende

Isabel Allende Llona is a Chilean-American novelist. Allende, who writes in the "magic realism" tradition, is considered one of the first successful women novelists in Latin America. She has written novels based in part on her own experiences, often focusing on the experiences of women, weaving myth and realism together. She has lectured and done extensive book tours and has taught literature at several US colleges. She currently resides in California with her husband. Allende adopted U.S. citizenship in 2003.





Beccahar citeratför 2 år sedan
The affranchis lacked political power, but they managed a lot of money, and poor whites hated them for that.
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Maybe that’s why a sense of place is so important in all my writing. Where do I belong? Where are my roots? Is my heart divided or has it just grown bigger
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Without science, industry, and technology, no progress is possible, and without music and art, there’s no soul


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Historia entrañable, personajes muy humanos y creíbles, una mirada al exilio salpicada de empatía...

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    Isabel Allende
    A Long Petal of the Sea
    • 117
    • 76
    • 3
    • 10
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    Isabel Allende
    • 106
    • 47
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  • Aidee Venturadelade ett intryckför 2 år sedan
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