Andy Schmidt,Shane McCarthy,Josh Van Reyk

Transformers: All Hail Megatron Vol. 3

Volume 3 of 4! The DECEPTICONS have won, the AUTOBOTS are defeated, and the time for conquest is at hand! Or is it? This classic seriespicks up one year after the Revelations saga, and finds the DECEPTICONS alone and triumphant on Earth, with not an AUTOBOT in sight. With no one to stand in their way, how will the planet survive? And what of the missing AUTOBOTS? The biggest, most epic TRANSFORMERS storyline ever is here! Originally published as THE TRANSFORMERS: SPOTLIGHT BLURR, THE TRANSFORMERS: SPOTLIGHT JAZZ, THE TRANSFORMERS: SPOTLIGHT CLIFFJUMPER, THE TRANSFORMERS: SPOTLIGHT DRIFT, THE TRANSFORMERS: SPOTLIGHT METROPLEX.
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