Dave McElfatric,Kris Wilson,Matt Melvin,Rob Denbleyker

Cyanide and Happiness

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Introducing the first real, tangible, ignitable collection of the hit online comic Cyanide & Happiness, featuring a selection of your favorite comics and thirty brand-new strips.
From the minds of Kris, Rob, Matt, and Dave comes a barrage of irreverent entertainment sure to keep you amused until the day you die. Just see what their mothers have to say!
"Dave is a nice, young man with a bright future ahead of him. I always knew he was a gifted boy who would go on to do great things. I hope he settles down with a nice, young woman and ****s the **** out of her."
—Dave's mom
"I don't know how to get computer pictures, so I'm glad Kris finally has a book out. I haven't read it yet, but I hope he gives me a quote on the back."
—Kris's mom
"I hope Robert's book does well so he can finally afford to move out. He plays his hip-hop music too loud."
—Rob's mom
Matt's mom was unavailable for a quote due to being dead.
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