Collects issues #54-59 & THE ASTOUNDING WOLF-MAN #11!
Invincible and Atom Eve are dating at last, but Mark has just recently moved back in with his mom and half brother. To make matters worse, Mark finds himself staring down the deadliest bunch of villains he's faced thus far - including The Astounding Wolf-Man!

Series Description

Mark Grayson is teenage superhero Invincible. He was a normal high school senior with a normal part-time job and otherwise normal life, except his father Nolan is the superhero Omni-Man, the most powerful superhero on the planet. At the age of 17, Mark begins to display superpowers, which come from his father being a member of the Viltrumite race, who, according to Nolan, pioneer the galaxy on a mission of benevolence and enlightenment. As Invincible, Mark begins working as a superhero, with his father acting as his mentor, and meeting other heroes. Then, superheroes around the world begin to die.
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