For those of us living outside of eastern Asia, Chinese culture still holds many mysteries.
internationallade till en bok i bokhyllanThe Eastern Giantför 3 år sedan
On a beach in China, Dante beholds the Inferno. He’s just one of the ancient masters interacting with our modern world in this collection of poems that both entertain and enlighten.
internationallade till en bok i bokhyllanThe Eastern Giantför 4 år sedan
Bada Shanrem was born a Chinese royal in 1626. When the Ming Dynasty ended, he became an artist dedicated to capturing nature in one brushstroke. Fact and fiction spill into one through the 50 short chapters of this beautifully-illustrated novella.
internationallade till en bok i bokhyllanThe Eastern Giantför 4 år sedan
Not even ‘a spy with no name’ is safe in Shanghai: lying in wait, working on his Mandarin and spending nights with the seductive and enigmatic Mei — a woman with secrets he'd rather not hear. His assignment: infiltrate the Chinese intelligence service and sort friends from foes.
internationallade till en bok i bokhyllanThe Eastern Giantför 5 år sedan
1967. China’s Cultural Revolution. Red Guards beat a man to death as his young daughter Ye Wenhie watches: an event which will shape her future and the future of the planet.
Forty years later, a Beijing police investigation into a group of scientists leads to an immersive online game controlled by three suns and an extinction-level threat to humanity.
internationallade till en bok i bokhyllanThe Eastern Giantför 5 år sedan
Charting a young man’s journey from public school in Derbyshire to his distant and detached father in Shanghai, Denton paints a portrait of a young man on a voyage of personal discovery.
internationallade till en bok i bokhyllanThe Eastern Giantför 5 år sedan
Before the Japanese invaded China, Gwendolyn was at boarding school. Now in a POW camp with her fellow students, one teacher's determined to keep their spirits up — by treating the experience in the same way as a Girl Guide camp.