Mohammad Nozari

Leadership through Battles: Learning Leadership and Management through the Greatest Battles in History

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Whether you manage or lead a startup, small company, or a large and established firm, you probably don’t have time to wade through dozens of books to determine what history’s greatest battles can teach you about running a business. Even if you had the time, you don’t need to, because this guidebook to leadership does it for you. It’s a short but precise narrative highlighting lessons from war, including how to: implement ideas and plans amid confusion; expand business into a new market or geographic area; prepare employees for tumultuous change; weaken and conquer adversaries. The guidebook highlights some of history’s best and worst battlefield generals, including Alexander the Great, Attila the Hun, William the Duke of Normandy, Napoleon, George Washington, Col. George Armstrong Custer and many others. Their tactics reveal hundreds of memorable insights that will help you do what the great leaders did and avoid what doomed others.
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