Faleel Jamaldeen

Islamic Finance For Dummies

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A detailed look at the fast-growing field of Islamic banking and finance The global Islamic finance market is now worth about $700 billion worldwide. Islamic Finance For Dummies helps experienced investors and new entrants into Islamic finance quickly get up to speed on this growing financial sector.
Here, you'll find clear and easy-to-understand information on how you can incorporate Islamic finance products into your investment portfolio. You'll quickly and easily: become acquainted with the theory, practice, and limitations of Islamic banking; understand how to develop products for the Islamic financial industry; grasp the objectives and sources of Islamic law and the basic guidelines for business contacts; learn about Islamic fund management and insurance; and much more.
Coverage of the role Islamic finance can play in the development of the financial system and of economies Addresses the risks and rewards in Islamic banking The future prospects and opportunities of the Islamic finance industry With the help of Islamic Finance For Dummies, you'll discover the fast and easy way to tap into the booming Islamic finance arena.
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