Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky

Wassily Kandinsky (1866–1944) was a Russian painter credited as being among the first to truly venture into abstract art. He persisted in expressing his internal world of abstraction despite negative criticism from his peers. He veered away from painting that could be viewed as representational in order to express his emotions, leading to his unique use of colour and form. Although his works received heavy censure at the time, in later years they would become greatly influential.
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Parkstone International
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  • Janna S.delade ett intrycki fjol
    👍Värt att läsa


  • Janna S.har citerati fjol
    One of the first steps in the turning away from material objects into the realm of the abstract was, to use the technical artistic term, the rejection of the third dimension. That is to say, the attempt to keep a picture on a single plane. Modelling was abandoned.
  • Janna S.har citeratför 2 år sedan
    Kandinsky’s world colour becomes a medium to mainly express emotions rather than simply depict reality.
  • ssmolahar citeratför 8 år sedan
    We stand and gaze fascinated, ti

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