Rev. John Diomede

Know My Voice VIII

Life can be challenging. Knowing what to do, and what decisions to make every day in the life of a human being is complex. Humanity exists on the edge of a knife. History teaches this truth and for those who don't believe history, the pandemic was the evidence thus far for our century. And there will be more. The Creator of the Universe reaches out daily to all, beckoning them to hear His voice, the voice of the Holy Spirit. Recognizing that voice is paramount to our existence of aloneness. Without that voice overtaking us, compassion, mercy, and love are social bywords that deceive us from seeing the anger and hate that exist inside each human and have been demonstrated by humanity for millennia. Once recognized, we must choose God's companionship and become obedient to that direction. Jesus said, “Everyone who is of the truth hears my voice”. Listen for his voice as he speaks to you through his Holy Spirit.
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