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Peter Zeihan

Disunited Nations

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A forward-thinking geopolitical guru explains who will win and who will lose in the coming global disorder.
The world is entering a period of dangerous instability and conflict not seen since before World War I, Peter Zeihan asserts. America's allies depend on our commitments for their economic and physical security, and they hope the Trump administration's hostility is an aberration. This hope is misplaced, Zeihan contends.
The problem goes deeper than America. A growing number of countries are stepping back from the international system, and nationalism is on the rise worldwide, from Brazil to Great Britain to Italy to Hungary. We are at the dawn of a new age—that of the isolationist populist politician. People worldwide are losing faith in the global order. The value that we are all connected and must protect world trade and regional order is losing its power. The countries and businesses prepared for this new every-country-for-itself…
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  • Evgeny Kharyushindelade ett intryckför 2 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa
    💡Lärde mig mycket

    The contours of a multipolar world which American order created


  • Stepan Dudnikhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    Just keep in mind that “normal” is far from synonymous with “comfortable,” much less “favorable.
  • Stepan Dudnikhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    France will lead the new Europe, not Germany
  • Evgeny Kharyushinhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    Higher birthrates among both the occupied Palestinians and deeply conservative Orthodox Jews means that by 2030 an enlarged Israel will be a Jewish-minority state that will not even want to converse with the Palestinians, much less grant political or territorial concessions.

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