Jan Drexler,Emma Miller

The Prodigal Son Returns

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A second chance at an Amish happily-ever-after 
Redeeming Grace by Emma Miller 
With nowhere to turn, penniless widow Grace Yoder travels with her young son to reunite with the Plain father she never knew. When family friend and Mennonite John Hartman offers her a job in his veterinarian office, Grace discovers a beautiful bridge between the two worlds. And prays John will ask her to stay by his side
The Prodigal Son Returns by Jan Drexler 
A criminal's trail has brought FBI informant Bram Lapp to Ellie Miller's Indiana community. Now he's posing as the kind of man he once hoped to be—someone who might be worthy of Ellie. Because no matter how much she claims she doesn't want a second chance at love, he knows he's found the home they were meant to share.
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