Paul Levinson

Last Dream Before Morning

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Last Dream before Morning features a movie PR agent who, a few years into his job, is implicated in an apparent drug overdose murder in a wealthy household in La. The victim is a young heiress who was his charge in his duties at the studio. Her family is old money. She was a rare starlet, who began her career with connections, both legal and illegal. The agent is conditionally discharged from his work without being directly charged by the police. However, he is driven to uncover her past life to narrow down a field of suspects so he can reestablish himself emotionally and socially. He has to reconcile differences among several stratas of society, people incongruous as friends, but who turn out to be conspiratorial allies in a bigger picture of corruption that needs support from all areas of society in order to exist. He has to review his own life, before and during his career before he solves the murder with the help of some friends, who were also implicated during the affair. Uncompromising, passionate society, past and present, is seen with its violence, hypocrisy and semi-private norms— high-rolling and prone to shootouts.
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