Beverly LaHaye

The Joy of Marriage God's Way

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How to strengthen your relationship with God as its foundation—with lessons from Beverly LaHaye, Julie Clinton, Joyce Penner, and other inspiring women.
How do you achieve spiritual intimacy with your spouse? How does this contribute to sexual fulfillment? Can a broken marriage not only be repaired, but the relationship renewed and trust restored? What are men’s and women’s five love needs? What are the barriers that hinder change? Here are insights from those who have traveled ahead of you on the road of love—as well as wisdom from God’s Word—so that you may discover the specific keys that unlock the secrets to “till death do us part.”
The Joy of Marriage God’s Way offers marriage-building messages from Beverly LaHaye, Julie Clinton, Joyce Penner, Barbara Rosberg, Deb Laaser, Carrie Oliver, and Laurie S. Hall to turn your hope for a fulfilling marriage into a reality.
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