Will Weaver

Sweet Land

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In this paperback original, a stable of fresh stories by award-winning writer Will Weaver (Full Service and Barns of Minnesota, are complemented by a hand-picked selection of favorites from his original collection, A Gravestone Made of Wheat, to offer a fresh, vivid portrait of the changing midwestern landscape. New highlights include «Blaze of Glory," an enchanting tale of an RV road trip and a senior couple's “last time”; “The Trapper,” the story of a hard split between an old trapper and a younger female environmentalist; and "The Last Farmer,” the capstone story of this elegant collection that examines the discovery by a high-tech farmer of the history of the old houses on his land. Fourteen stories in all portray the bountiful and whimsical and cruel human spirit and the swirling transformation of America's heartland.
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