Frank Kern

How To Catch A Cheating Lover

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Dating, Love & Relationships. Based on the book: «How To Catch A Man

If you have been waiting for your handsome prince to show up, wait no longer. In this life, there are no Fairy Godmothers or people or sources outside of yourself that you can rely on to make your dreams come true. The responsibility for your happiness falls on you, and now is the time to take fate into your own hands, and create the love life you want to live.

Specifically, you will discover:

* How your perspective, actions, and decisions may be contributing to your current circumstances.

* Relationship dos and don'ts as well as red flags to look out for.

* That you have the power to create the love life you’ve been longing to experience.

* Disclaimer: The author/instructor is not engaged in rendering professional advice (legal, medical, psychological or otherwise.) Professional or expert advice should be sought if required.

* Take this course if you are a single woman in search of love and romance

* Take this course if you are a woman who is dating

* Take this course if you are interested in how your perspective, decisions, and actions may be affecting your relationship experience

* Take this course if you are interested in examining some of the pitfalls to avoid in the process of finding your mate, dating, and maintaining your relationship.

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