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r.h. Sin

Whiskey Words & a Shovel III

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r.h. Sin’s final volume in the Whiskey, Words, and a Shovel series expands on the passion and vigor of his first two installments. His stanzas inspire strength through the raw, emotional energy and the vulnerability of his poems. Relationships, love, pain, and fortitude are powerfully rendered in his poetry, and his message of perseverance in the face of emotional turmoil cuts to the heart of modern-day life. At roughly 300 pages, this culminating volume will be his lengthiest yet. 

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  • b7891437274delade ett intryckför 4 år sedan

    It took me awhile to read. I believe this is because it was packed with emotion.

  • kemimoalusidelade ett intryckför 4 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa

    i literally feel that this book was written for me☺️

  • b0037298634delade ett intryckför 3 år sedan
    👍Värt att läsa
    🔮Oanat djup

    seems like this book was made for me....


  • rayray879har citeratför 6 år sedan
    friends become enemies
    lovers start to feel like strangers
    and there’s nothing strange about it
    it’s not enough to be wanted
    fuck desire, fuck temptation
    preserve yourself for those
    who deserve you
  • Юля Киселёваhar citeratför 6 år sedan
    the moment you feel like

    you’ve won

    you then realize that the more you advance

    the more you have to lose

    and nothing ever gets easier

    you just learn better ways

    to navigate a life that seemingly

    becomes tougher

    last year I had nothing

    and the emptiness was expected

    this year I have more

    but the emptiness

    continues to haunt me

    life is a complex thing

    that can’t be solved with things

    and maybe I’m beginning to realize

    the unimportance of material items

    maybe the toughness of it all

    is making me stronger
  • De'Zhane Parkerhar citeratför 6 år sedan
    reached the bottom.
    I’ll be honest with you
    whatever I felt has faded
    into the air

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