Maureen Smith

Full Tilt Living

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Full Tilt Living is a carpe-diem-pedal-to-the-metal-grab-it-by-the-throat-suck-out-the-marrow approach to living life. “It's about finding the juicy parts,” Maureen Smith writes. “It came about as I looked for ways to talk about how to make life better. Because this is a pretty challenging time to be around. Things move fast. Stress is our constant companion.” Smith leads us to an understanding of how important it is to fully experience life on an everyday basis, and in both the highs and the lows. Smith is no naïve self-help guru. She knows that life lived fully contains a lot of emotionally and mentally challenging moments--and lots of opportunities. Some of the opportunities in this book include: finding your natural fuel, living in in-between moments, changing habits, succeeding at failure, falling in love with yourself, picking up cues, and paying attention to angels in your life--whatever form they come in.
Stories, exercises, and plain-talking advice abound here. Pick them like cherries from a tree to create your own Full Tilt life.

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