Serena Yates

Towards Understanding Surah Baqarah

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It was Serenestar

She was addressing everyone. She told that in the beginning there was just one ball in the universe. There was no son, no moon, no stars. This ball, because of the intense heat, grey larger and larger, until there was a big explosion with lots of smoke.

And the solar system was formed from this occurence.

Allah then created seven heavens one above the other.

She then went on to talk about Sarah Baqarah.

She tells them that the Surah contains many rules on a variety of topics guiding how to live on this earth. It explains why Allah created Jinns and mankind and what will happen when they die.

She went on to say that Allah sent many prophets to deliver these messages and Surah Baqarah contains information about most of these prophets and the times they lived in.

Serenestar then put a proposal out and asked if everyone would like their star to take them in time so they can receive these messages with the people of those times.

Nani Serena and her grandchildren could not believe what they were hearing and shouted their agreement in chorus.

Each gave an account of which time they would like to be transported to.

Nani Serena wanted to be taken back in time to the Umah of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) after his second Hijran to Medina.

Layla chose to visit the time when Prophet Aadam (PBUH) was created in the lower heaven.

Keyaan wanted to time travel in the era of Pharoh and Prophet Musa (PBUH).

Jasmine wanted to find out why the surah was called Surah Baqarah (The Cow) and asked her star to take her to the period.

Omari is going to live in the era of Prophet Dawood (PBUH) and Jalut.
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