Jim Wallis

Why You Should Care about the Person Who Made Your Cell Phone (Ebook Shorts)

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The headlines are almost unfathomable: More than one thousand Bangladesh garment-industry workers killed when their building collapsed. Over one hundred workers killed in a poultry-factory fire in China. Harsh conditions and a rash of suicides at a Taiwanese company producing cell phones. These tragedies highlight the hazardous working conditions for much of the world's population. Are inexpensive clothes and the latest iPhone worth it?When we think of the individuals who make our lives work as our neighbors--crossing cultural, racial, religious, regional, and tribal boundaries--it might cause us to change how we do business. All of God's children are our neighbors, says Jim Wallis, a radical concept that is essential to the common good in our increasingly globalized culture. He suggests making «Ten Personal Decisions for the Common Good» to help improve things from your corner of the world.This is a selection from The (Un)Common Good: How the Gospel Brings Hope to a World Divided.
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