Mark Brake

The Super Cool Science of Harry Potter

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Discover the scientific secrets of Harry, Hermione, Ron, Dumbledore, and more in J. K. Rowling’s universe.Movie-goers and young readers the world over have been spellbound by the tales of “the boy who lived.” J. K. Rowling’s stories have conjured ideas of magic and sorcery into our minds like no other book series before. But nature is its own magic. And Muggle scientists have uncovered answers for the weird and wonderful questions from the magic world. Questions such as: Who was the real Merlin?Who really was the last great wizard?Do real-life love potions work?Platform 9¾: are there real hidden railway stations in London?And many more!The Super Cool Science of Harry Potter is for any young fan of Harry Potter. You don’t need to be a witch or wizard to weave your magical way through the facts about your favorite characters, potions, spells, and mysteries from the boy wizard’s world!
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