Richard Powers

The Overstory

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  • administratorhar citeratför 4 år sedan
    It says: A good answer must be reinvented many times, from scratch.
  • Fernando Montenegro Sandovalhar citeratförra månaden
    thing can travel everywhere, just by holding still.
  • Frida Arroyo Chiuhar citeratför 3 år sedan
    That’s the trouble with people, their root problem. Life runs alongside them, unseen. Right here, right next. Creating the soil. Cycling water. Trading in nutrients. Making weather. Building atmosphere. Feeding and curing and sheltering more kinds of creatures than people know how to count.

    A chorus of living wood sings to the woman: If your mind were only a slightly greener thing, we’d drown you in meaning.

    The pine she leans against says: Listen. There’s something you need to hear.
  • Frida Arroyo Chiuhar citeratför 3 år sedan
    The tree is saying things, in words before words.
  • b2985985546har citeratför 3 år sedan
    He feels he is casting rocks at a sentient being, with a duller sense than his own, yet still a blood relation. Old trees are our parents, and our parents’ parents, perchance. If you would learn the secrets of Nature, you must practice more humanity. . .
  • b2985985546har citeratför 3 år sedan
    A chorus of living wood sings to the woman: If your mind were only a slightly greener thing, we’d drown you in meaning.
    The pine she leans against says: Listen. There’s something you need to hear
  • b2985985546har citeratför 3 år sedan
    That’s the trouble with people, their root problem. Life runs alongside them, unseen. Right here, right next. Creating the soil. Cycling water. Trading in nutrients. Making weather. Building atmosphere. Feeding and curing and sheltering more kinds of creatures than people know how to count
  • b2985985546har citeratför 3 år sedan
    Laurels insist that even death is nothing to lose sleep over
  • b2985985546har citeratför 3 år sedan
    The tree is saying things, in words before words
  • b2985985546har citeratför 3 år sedan
    First there was nothing. Then there was everything
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