Craig Groeschel

What Is God Really Like? Expanded Edition

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For the past two years, Craig Groeschel (www.lifechurch.tv) and his church have hosted an international multi-church campaign called ONE PRAYER, a month-long concerted focus on unifying the many different, diverse churches participating by praying together and serving their local communities.

In 2009, ONE PRAYER campaign attracted over 2,000 churches and over 1,000,000 church members. Many of these churches are high-profile evangelical churches with pastors who are also successful authors and speakers. The campaign continues to attract interest from more and more churches and ministries. The 2010 campaign, scheduled for June, is expected to grow by 50 percent.

This compilation book features chapters by seventeen passionate church leaders, including Andy Stanley, Francis Chan, Jentezen Franklin, Perry Noble, Steven Furtick, and others.
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