bookmate game
Grace McGinty


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  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    “Another boy,” he cooed, and I smiled down at the pale, scrunched little face. I was mesmerized as another baby appeared in my arms. One more to Naja. Five. Five beautiful boy cubs. A perfect blend of us all.

    “Sev,” Gatlin said sharply, and Seven looked to our Alpha. The panic in Gatlin’s voice had me defying his earlier request not to look. But the splayed open wound of my stomach was nothing compared to the tiny little unmoving baby in his hands. “This one goes to Doc. Now, Beta!”

    Seven didn’t hesitate. My eyes couldn’t track him as he left the room.

    “Alpha?” I said in a broken voice.

    He gave me a tight smile that was probably supposed to be reassuring, but just made me panic more. “The boys were protecting their sister, apparently. Doc has her, Rai. She’ll be okay.”

    Panic rose up in my chest, making it hard to breathe. We were all silent as our ears strained to hear what was going on in the other room. I could hear Doc muttering to the baby, sounding like he was checking off a list but also like he was talking to the baby.

    Finally, the tiniest cry sounded, and I huffed out a breath of relief that was closely followed by tears. Seven and Doc reappeared in the room, Seven holding the baby which was good because as relieved as I was that Doc had been here, he was still a stranger in my Pack house to my Beast.

    Seven dropped to his knees beside us. “Our baby girl.”

    I reached up and touched her tiny head, not even half the size of my palm. She blinked an eye open, looked at me, and then closed it again.

    I’d done it. I felt like I’d been through a blender, but I’d done it.

    I looked around at my Pack. No, we’d done it. I closed my eyes and let exhaustion wash me away into oblivion.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    Finally, Finlo released me, lapping at the wound on my neck as his hands stroked up and down my side. “Love you, Naja,” he whispered beside my cheek.

    I was like a limp doll as he rolled onto his back, his body still locked with mine, and I rested against his chest, listening to the steady pounding of his heart beneath the slow vibration of his chest.

    I turned my face and bit him too, glorying in the small hiss of pain which turned into a moan. “Mine,” I murmured as blood filled my mouth, and he thrummed harder.

    “Always yours, Princess.”

    Seven’s face was suddenly in my vision as he leaned in to kiss me tenderly, not even worrying about the taste of Finlo’s blood on my lips. “Love you, mate.”

    I mouthed, “Love you,” because I wasn’t sure I could actually get my vocal chords to cooperate right now. Seven lay down beside Finlo, curling his body close to both of ours.

    Ellar was there then, kissing my cheek. “Mate,” he whispered reverently before lying down beside Seven, his cheek pressed against his spine. Raiden kissed my hair, curling up on the other side, no words needed. I knew how he felt—he showed me so often—and I hoped he knew how I felt about him. If he didn’t, I’d gladly spend decades showing him.

    Finally, a big, warm hand stroked down my spine. “Sleep, little mate. Soon you’ll have to wake up and do this all again.” There was a dark tease in his tone that made my body clench, and Finlo groaned.

    “Cut it out, Gatlin, or her clenching pussy is going to inflate my knot again and we’ll be stuck here all day.” He looked down at me and grinned. “Not that I have any problem with that at all,” he purred with a wink.

    I huffed a laugh. Hopefully I didn’t need reconstructive vaginal surgery after I was done.

    Sleep slowly started to creep in as my exhausted body decided enough was enough. But curled up here, amongst these men, I knew that I was home.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    The stretch, the slide, the pressure of his fingertips.

    Minutes—or centuries—later, I was shaking and sweating, coming again, and Finlo groaned as my pussy milked his cock.

    “Aw, Princess. God, you take my cock so good,” he grunted. “Are you going to take my knot just as good, Naja?” I nodded. Hell, I’d promise him just about anything as long as he continued to fuck me like this. He made a low growl in my ear and rolled me onto my back. “Get ready, baby. This might feel… different.”

    He spread me wider, and I felt the slow swell of the base of his cock pressing at my entrance, making me squirm. As it got bigger and the pressure turned almost painful, he thrust into me hard, locking his cock inside me.

    “Oh my fuck!” I shouted as he continued to expand inside me, and I clawed at his chest, trying to pull him closer and push him away at the same time.

    “Easy baby,” he crooned, and suddenly there were hands on my torso, lips on my breasts and someone was kissing me. I knew Raiden’s taste, the feel of his lips. Finlo’s knot pressed into me harder and then it was throbbing against my G-spot and I was coming over and over.

    I bit Raiden’s lip, and he groaned. “It feels like too much but not enough, doesn’t it?”

    I nodded as Finlo started to move again—short sharp thrusts that just stimulated more than making him go any deeper. I didn’t think he could get deeper. I was full.

    Finlo’s head was thrown back, and he was thrumming so hard that I could feel it through his cock. “Oh, fuck, Angel. I’m going to come. It’s… well, it’s a lot.”

    That was all the warning I got before he was exploding inside me. And I mean, explode. I could feel the hot pulse of his seed as it released inside of me, and I sent up a godspeed to my IUD. I didn’t fucking care in that moment though because I felt amazing. Finlo lowered himself down, his lips on the curve of my neck. “Are you ready? Last chance to back out, Princess.”

    “There’s no pressure to do this now. It can wait,” Gatlin rumbled from somewhere in the room, but I couldn’t see him from the bulk of Finlo against me.

    “I want this. I’m ready.” I’d never been more sure that I wanted something, and honestly, their constant need for consent just soothed away the last of my anxiety. Since the moment I met them, these guys had prioritised what was best for me, making sure that I was safe, happy and satisfied. How could I not want to spend forever with them, ensuring the same?

    I tensed as Finlo’s teeth pierced my skin, hissing in a breath as the pain combined with the pleasure of Finlo’s still pulsing knot. He held me tight, stopping me from tugging away instinctively to escape the sharp sting, but soon the sting turned to pleasure and I was coming around his cock yet again. Fuck. That had to be like my tenth orgasm, and my brain was starting to short-ci
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    Finlo’s hands dropped down to rub my breasts, and I knew at that moment I was never going to leave these guys. How could I go back to one-on-one sex every time? Being worshiped by so many hands and mouths like I was some hedonistic Greek sex goddess was an amazingly addictive feeling.

    Ellar swirled his tongue inside my entrance, his finger rubbing a circle on my clit in time with it. The pressure was growing already in my lower body, and I knew I was going to be wrung out by the time tonight was over. I grinned against Finlo’s lips. I couldn’t fucking wait. He pulled his mouth away, and I dropped my head to his chest as Ellar thrust two fingers into me. I didn’t know how Ellar knew his way around a pussy the way he did, but he set the perfect pace, his fingers curling just right to make my thighs clench and shake.

    “Get in there, Ellar. Make love to our mate,” Finlo growled. I could sense the Beast inside him on the rise, and it excited me. There was no fear with these guys now, only trust. As a special surprise for the guys, I’d gotten Doc to put in an IUD, because as much as I loved them, I figured five newborns was going to be enough for a little while.

    Ellar slid his cock inside me, and we both groaned. “Fuck me, Ellar,” I whispered, and I don’t know who growled, or if they all did, but some switch flicked over inside my sweet, beautiful Ellar. He fucked me into Finlo’s body like he was possessed, his hard thrusts making me pant as he hit the good spot over and over. He curled over my back, gripping my hair so he could turn my head and kiss me, his thrusts short and shallow until I was crying out in ecstasy. Ellar wasn’t far behind me, as he gripped my hip tight in one hand, slamming us together as he filled me with his seed. But he never stopped kissing me.

    Finlo watched as Ellar moved back up my spine, squeezing my ass as he pulled out. His hand dipped back between my thighs, and I lifted myself up on shaky arms to look between my body and Finlo’s. Ellar was stroking Finlo’s dick, lining it up with my still pulsing core. Then he leaned down and bit my asscheek—hard.

    “Ah!” I said, looking over my shoulder to see he was wearing a goofy, happy expression.

    “Welcome to the Pack, Princess. When we mate, this is where I’m going to put my mark,” he said smugly as he rubbed the indented flesh where his teeth had been.

    I lifted my eyebrows but couldn’t resist the smile I gave him in return. I mouthed “Love you,” and he winked back.

    Then Finlo was notching against me, and sliding his cock into my pussy deliciously slowly. I forgot about everything but the feel of his body in mine. Jesus Christ, did they have to be so in proportion? I was so full, I felt him everywhere. He slid me up and down his cock with hands that spanned almost my entire waist, and my whole world narrowed down to sensations.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    Despite my bravado, the idea of tying myself to the Pack forever caused me equal parts anxiety and excitement. The look of absolute elation on Finlo’s face chased away any doubt though. He gathered me up into his arms and kissed me again, and I wrapped my legs around his now naked waist. No one could get undressed at the speed of Finlo; it was basically a superpower. I ran my palms over the flexing muscles of his back as he fucked me with his mouth. Ellar came up behind me, kissing down my spine as he gently pushed on Finlo’s shoulders, until he collapsed onto his back and I was straddling his waist. Ellar’s hands smoothed over the globes of my ass before gripping my hips and raising them a little higher. Then I felt the hot puffs of his breath on my soaked core, and moaned against Finlo’s lips.

    “If you’re taking the knot for the first time, we’ll have to get you properly wet and ready,” Ellar crooned against my pussy, and I wasn’t sure if he was talking to me or my vagina. Probably both. He made good on his promise though, as he licked me from my clit to my taint.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    I lowered Naja to her feet and just kept going, until she was on her back surrounded by jewel-colored velvet cushions. However, I did a double take as I noticed Raiden in the corner, naked with Seven sucking his cock. Apparently, our Beta was affronted by the idea of Raiden sitting out.

    Naja followed my gaze and her mouth popped open. “Apparently they started without us, Princess. We better catch up.” With that, I started stripping her and myself at a rate that probably wasn’t possible to see with the naked eye. She smelled like heaven, the sweet scent of her arousal filling my senses.

    “You better slow down, Finlo, or you’re going to embarrass yourself,” Gatlin said teasingly, and I flipped him the bird over my shoulder. I’d rest when I’d wrung at least two orgasms out of her personally. Then I’d take my own pleasure.

    She tugged at my shirt, and I happily abandoned it. I didn’t need or want it. The sooner we were all naked, the happier I’d be.

    When she was naked in front of me, her knees splayed onto the mattress, open and dripping for me, I almost swallowed my tongue. So fucking beautiful, and the warmth of her skin was complemented perfectly by the colors of the bedding. She looked like a painting.

    “I love you, Naja. You know that, right?”

    She nodded. “I know. I love you too. But especially your tongue, so if you could…” she joked, and I growled at her softly. She stroked her hands through my hair, scraping her nails against my scalp until I purred.

    “This mate thing—what do we need to do?”

    I froze, the blood pounding in my ears. Surely, she wasn’t suggesting… “Uh, it’s super simple really, there isn’t a big ritual around it, unlike everything else with the Manix. It's a bit different between the different designations. There's a bite and vows for the Betas, there's a blood exchange between Alphas, and uh, for Omegas, basically we bite you while you’re taking our knot. It’s the strongest of bonds, really.”

    Her eyes widened, and I could almost see the different cogs turning her head. After a moment where no one breathed, she nodded. “Let's do it. I want to be Pack Huxley-Grey by sunrise tomorrow.”

    Well, holy shit.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    Raiden looked around, his smile one of contentment and happiness. “I’m going to start up the stairs, otherwise I’ll only be on the second floor landing by the time the orgy starts,” he whispered conspiratorially.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    Raiden huffed beside me. “I can’t believe we are going to have an orgy when I’m so fucking huge I can’t even see my dick.”
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    We were silent for a long time, and I was wondering if he was ever going to speak when he finally said, “All your siblings are safe. The babies. I bought them from Iago every time one came up for sale. He thought he was scamming me out of money, but the truth is, I would have paid a lot more to save their lives.”

    Of all the things I’d expected him to say, that wasn’t it. “What?” I shook my head, not understanding. “Why? I mean, thank you, but why?”

    He sucked in a deep breath. “Because they were innocent. Because they were your siblings. Because they deserved the happiness I couldn’t give you.”

    I could hear Gatlin’s low grumble behind me, but he made no move to pull me back to him. “But why? Why do I matter enough that you’d pay to save my siblings?”

    None of that shit made sense to me. None of it.

    He sucked in another deep breath, and for the first time an emotion entered his eyes. Anguish. “I should start again. My name is Courtland.” He paused for a moment. “I am your half-brother. I failed you, failed your mother. The children—your siblings—were penance for my failure.”

    A high-pitched sound started quietly in my ear, and grew until it was all I could hear. “You’re my brother? I don’t understand. Are you…?”

    It was Finlo who answered my question. “He is Manix.”

    It was too fucking much. This whole thing was too fucking much. Blackness curtained my vision, and I heard Finlo’s yelp of alarm just before I went lights out.
  • Marian Alexiahar citeratför 3 år sedan
    “Ah, Naja. I will be seeing you.”

    Calm came over me. Calm like nothing I’d ever felt. I was floating in a sea of nothingness, no sound, no emotion. Just all perfectly blank. I looked down at my uncle and shook my head.

    “No, you won’t. Enjoy Hell, you piece of shit.”

    I whipped the gun out from between my breasts so fast, sliding off the safety in the same movement, that no one had time to react before I put it to his head, blowing his brains all over the concrete floor.

    I had conquered my monster and he’d haunt me no more.

    Someone was laughing. I looked up to see one of the big guys pointing and laughing at the other one. Actually, staring at them now, I was fairly sure they were twins.

    “Franklin, you’ve got brains on your shoes,” he chortled, like it was the funniest thing ever. Franklin shook his boot, dislodging the chunk of my uncle's brain until it slid onto the floor. “Gross. A little warning next time so I can get out of the splash zone, hey?” he said to me, and seemed more amused than pissed off.

    I looked between them all. The only ones who looked concerned were my Alphas, and I was pretty sure that was because I’d just murdered someone in cold blood.

    The biggest guy shrugged again. “Eh, he deserved it, and it's less paperwork this way. We’re going to have to get clean-up in here though.”

    “Leave it to me.” The Witch Miranda appeared from somewhere, completely bathed in blood, and grinning. The actual fuck?

    The big guy rolled his eyes. “You know this is why we don’t invite witches to these things normally, Miranda. You guys always have to play with your food. It's hell on stealth missions.”
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