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Goldmine Reads

The Untethered Soul – Summarized for Busy People: The Journey Beyond Yourself

  • Nidya Castillo Guittonhar citeratför 4 år sedan
    Acceptance will allow you to use your energy to deal with the actual situation
  • Nidya Castillo Guittonhar citeratför 4 år sedan
    Every negative experience is a manifestation of when you resist the reality of life.
  • Nidya Castillo Guittonhar citeratför 4 år sedan
    Your consciousness can choose what to focus on and what to let pass through.
  • Nidya Castillo Guittonhar citeratför 4 år sedan
    Experiencing negative emotions only exist because your mental model is not comfortable with what is happening to you or around you.
  • Nidya Castillo Guittonhar citeratför 4 år sedan
    Your mental chatter creates an alternate version of reality that causes your suffering.
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