Fay B. Karpf

The Psychology and Psychotherapy of Otto Rank

This authoritative study of psychologist Otto Rank covers his groundbreaking work, as well as his connections to Freud, Jung, and others.
Austrian psychologist Otto Rank is one of the most influential figures in modern psychotherapy. A protégé́ of Sigmund Freud, he made significant developments in the fields of analysis, psychotherapy, counseling, education, and social work. In The Psychology and Psychotherapy of Otto Rank, social psychologist Fay B. Karpf—who studied with Rank—presents an authoritative analysis of his pioneering work.
This historical and comparative introduction to Rank’s theory and therapy explores his prolific writings, his work with patients, and his relation to Freud and Jung, as well as Alfred Adler and other major figures of the Neo-Freudian school.
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