Anna Chapin Ray

Letters of a Canadian Stretcher-Bearer

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Anna Chapin Ray was a prolific writer, and often wrote under the pseudonym Sidney Howard. A remarkable academic, Chapin Ray was one of the first three women to take the entrance exam at Yale University, and went on to earn an M.A. in European history at Smith College.

She's credited as editor for “Letters of a Canadian Stretcher-Bearer”, with the author only listed as R.A.L., the explanation of which is that “For military reasons, it has been judged wiser to withhold the full name of the Canadian Stretcher Bearer until the close of the war.”

The war was WWI, and this fascinating account of one soldier's journey from the U.S. to Canada, to England, then France then back to Canada provides for us in detail the atrocities he encountered and endured as a man on the front lines of one of the bloodiest wars in history.
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