Sandrine Bessancort

The Servant Revisited

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When an impoverished fortune-seeker from a poor village finds hardship and hunger in Moscow, he makes the fateful decision to seek help from a coachman friend in a provincial town a small distance from the capital with hopes of working for the successful businessman who employs his friend.

What he finds instead is the young widow of the now deceased businessman, who is now running the business and employing his good friend.

A compelling, if not beauteous, young widow who comes from the same poor village as the job-seeker himself and once had a schoolgirl crush upon him.

A strangely sensuous widow who, he discovers from his friend, does indeed have a vacancy she requires to filled.

A vacancy for a manservant.

A manservant NO man with a scrap of pride would allow himself to become.

Female-led fiction, brought to you in the classic style, by Mamselle Bessancort.
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