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Patrick King

10-Minute Philosophy: From Buddhism to Stoicism, Confucius and Aristotle – Bite-Sized Wisdom From Some of History’s Greatest Thinkers

  • Stacy Claudiahar citeratför 15 dagar sedan
    When you spend time deliberately realizing that everything you love and cherish could be taken from you tomorrow by some sick twist of fate, you feel humbled.
  • Stacy Claudiahar citeratför 15 dagar sedan
    Stoics were not masochist or anti-pleasure. They still enjoyed the fruits of life, but they recognized that proper perspective is needed to be non-reactive and also appreciate the good things.
  • Stacy Claudiahar citeratför 15 dagar sedan
    “If you are pained by any external thing, it is not this thing that disturbs you, but your own judgment about it. And it is in your power to wipe out this judgment now.”
    – Marcus Aurelius
  • Stacy Claudiahar citeratför 15 dagar sedan
    If someone is angry, we do not need to react in kind with anger or feel offended. We can choose to accept their anger, let it not impact us, and be reminded that it is meant to be instructive to our own happiness.
  • Stacy Claudiahar citeratför 15 dagar sedan
    The cause of suffering is craving, attachment, and desiring. We suffer because of the narrow and large gaps between what we want and what we receive.
  • Stacy Claudiahar citeratför 15 dagar sedan
    golessness is the concept that there is no you; you is simply the product of your perceptions, thoughts, surroundings, and consciousness. Each of these ingredients changes every moment, which means that your identity does not exist in the traditional sense.
  • Stacy Claudiahar citeratför 15 dagar sedan
    Philosophy imparts self-understanding, one of the rarest qualities in the world. You understand what appeals to you and what you simply couldn’t care less about. From self-understanding, you can build the life you want
  • lexydimhar citerati fjol
    Everything that happens is either endurable or not. If it’s endurable, then endure it. Stop complaining. If it’s unendurable… then stop complaining. Your destruction will mean its end as well
  • lexydimhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    Humans are still perpetually in search of happiness and fulfillment.
  • lexydimhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    Learn about yourself, discover what is important, take responsibility for your own fulfillment, and directly pursue your own definition of happiness.
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