Agrihortico CPL

Garden Cress, Water Cress and Land Cress

Scientific name of garden cress is Lipidium sativum and it belongs to the family Brassicaceae. All members of Brassicaceae are believed to be originated in the region comprising of Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the temperate regions of Asia. Though all Brassica vegetables are biennial in growth habit, they are grown as annuals for food purposes. Garden cress is grown as a cool season annual.

Scientific name of watercress is Nasturtium officinale. Watercress belongs to the family Brassicaceae, the cabbage family (syn. Cruciferae). In other words, watercress is a Brassica vegetable or a cruciferous vegetable. All Brassica vegetables are biennial in their growing habit but for food purposes they are grown as annuals. Brassica vegetables believed to be originated in the region comprising of Western Europe, the Mediterranean region and the temperate regions of Asia

Scientific name of land cress is Barbarea verna and it belongs to the family Brassicaceae. Land cress plants are grown for their nutritious leaves. Seeds are used for making sprouts which are used as microgreens.
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