Hekataios Amerikos

Apocalypse and Armageddon, the Secret Origins of Christianity: The First Shall Be Last and the Last Shall Be First

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In recent years several books about the beginnings of Christianity and/or of Jesus and the disciples have been written. They range from books based mainly upon faith and the gospels to the outlandishly sensational, which barely even suggest that they are based upon actual, documented history. Yet, in one way or another, they all purport to provide the reader with the historical truth. Still, when reading these other works, one finds that they are at best only loosely based upon real history of the time period and they provide little in the way of historical documentation, let alone critical analysis. This book is an exception because it sticks to the cold, hard historical evidence and proceeds where that evidence leads. This important work of historical non-fiction will serve to enhance public understanding of the true origins of Christianity. This book is designed to serve that purpose. It is not meant to offend, but is meant to provoke critical thought and debate.
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