Carla Johnson

RE:Think Innovation

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Discover the five simple steps to corporate innovation in a practical guide that makes coming up with great ideas everybody’s business.
Experts and executives often portray innovation as confusing and complicated. Some even suggest that you need a special degree to know how to do it right. But the truth is, consistently coming up with great ideas isn’t a unique talent or even a difficult skill. It’s actually a simple five-step framework that anyone can follow to look at the work that they do differently, and have a bigger impact on the people they serve.
RE:Think Innovation shows readers how to tie individual competence with innovation techniques to direct corporate outcomes. In engaging and accessible language, Carla Johnson demonstrates how to create a unified, idea-driven employee base that delivers more ideas in a shorter amount of time. Ultimately, this is the path that makes organizations nimble, passionate, innovative powerhouses that deliver extraordinary outcomes for sustained periods of time.
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