Mary Morris

Trademark Made in America

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African Americans, it's past time to wake up. e three-hundred-year curse has been broken. The door to the cell that has held you hostage is unlocked. Even though the door is still closed, it's not locked! It is time to push the door open and step out to your freedom. It requires an effort. It will not be opened for you. It is past time for you to love yourself and your heritage and no longer allow yourself to be denied whatever your heart's desire.

Learn your history. Learn it for yourself. Then teach it to your children and their children. Let the truth be told from generations to generations to all, just like our ancestors passed the legends down from generations to generations. Know that our ancestors were the origin of creation/civilization here in this earth realm. Know that our heritage and history were stripped from us by design. We all have suffered from post-traumatic slave syndrome that was pasted down from our slave ancestors; understand that no one escaped from it. e curse of slavery has had a boomerang effect on whites and other cultures all over the world called “racism.”

It's past time to understand why we do the things we do. We need to break the consistency that is not a benefit to our lives and the future generations to come. Understand we, as a people, we're divided by design. It's time for our people to unite. Understand that it is only through uniting the African Americans here in these United States today that we can cause a change that will affect people of color all over the world, including the motherland Africa. It is the vices of racism, hatred, lies, and deception that keep the world in bondage.

Understand that there has been a shift from ole-school slavery to modern-day slavery. Our objective is to recognize it and no longer allow it to enslave us. Freedom starts with freeing the psyche first. Allow truth to set your mind free.
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