When we performed Talking to Terrorists at the Royal Court, the Anti-Terrorist Branch at Scotland Yard came to see the play and said they found it very informative.
Екатерина Петроваhar citeratför 8 år sedan
The purpose of the theatre is not to provide the solutions, but to state the problems more clearly
Екатерина Петроваhar citeratför 8 år sedan
Peter Cheeseman’s Stoke documentaries; Rolf Hochhuth’s historical excavations; Anna Deavere Smith’s one-person dramatisations: contemporary documentary theatre has a rich heritage to draw on.
Екатерина Петроваhar citeratför 8 år sedan
Erwin Piscator’s ‘living newspaper
Екатерина Петроваhar citeratför 8 år sedan
theatre, outside of their imagination
Екатерина Петроваhar citeratför 8 år sedan
verbatim is not a form, it is a technique; it is a means rather than an end.
Ashley Hardmanhar citeratför 9 år sedan
providing an opportunity for non-experts to grapple with the detail of important public enquiries for themselves, and in the process, if they’re lucky, to spur a powerful person into positive action.
Asya Leonovahar citeratför 9 år sedan
You look for the laughter and you look for the dialogue, and they’re all helpful points along the way.
Asya Leonovahar citeratför 9 år sedan
You’re not doing impersonations of these people, but you are trying to capture their spirit in some way
Asya Leonovahar citeratför 9 år sedan
One of the problems with some documentary theatre is that it tends to lack scenes between people.