Christopher Andersen


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Is he Jumpin' Jack Flash? A Street Fighting Man? A Man of Wealth and Taste? All this, it turns out, and far more. Mick Jagger is a force of nature, a complete original and undeniably one of the dominant cultural figures of our time. Swaggering, strutting, sometimes elusive, always spellbinding, he grabbed us by our collective throat a half-century ago and — unlike so many of his gifted peers — never let go. As the Rolling Stones mark their 50th anniversary, journalist and #1 New York Times bestselling author Christopher Andersen builds on his earlier acclaimed book on Jagger to reveal the truth about rock's most complex and enigmatic icon in a no-holds-barred biography as impossible to ignore as Jagger himself. Based on interviews with friends, family members, fellow music legends and industry insiders — as well as wives and legions of lovers — MICK sheds new light on a man whose very name defines an era. With never-before-revealed accounts of his often turbulent relationships — from his bandmates, groupies and rabid fans to such intimates as Andy Warhol, John Lennon, Jackie Onassis and Bill Clinton — this book is as explosive and riveting as its subject. The definitive biography of a living legend.
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