Cambridge Women's Pornography Cooperative

Porn for Women of a Certain Age

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Photos of the silver, sexy superheroes we deserve: mature men who can warm up your bed and fix your (obviously) broken scale.
Just how long do you plan on defying the laws of gravity?
Responding to overwhelming demand, the Cambridge Women’s Pornography Cooperative has researched deeply into the desires of women of a certain age. The result: forty steamy scenarios show hunky yet distinguished men catering to every whim. These handsome hotties insist she take an early retirement, delight in the silver in her hair, and best of all, take over the cooking and cleaning. Mrrow! Scientifically proven to make women swoon, Porn for Women of a Certain Age will leave the ladies begging for more.
Praise for Porn for New Moms
“Genius gift idea . . . (I’ll be getting one for each of the 10 baby showers I have in the next three months!)” —Glamour Magazine
“It’s a book we wouldn’t mind sharing with every mother we know.” —Parenting.com
“This new book from Chronicle has got to be my favorite baby shower gift idea this year.” —RookieMom.com
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