Jody Lynn Nye,Mike McPhail,Robert Greenberger

If We Had Known

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Beyond the Cradle of mankind, the universe is vast, unknown, dangerous to the unwary…or those caught in the path of intrepid explorers proceeding without forethought.
Thirteen authors explore what it is to pioneer the future in tales fraught with danger and remorse, tempered with hope, luck, and serendipity. We face the monsters. We face the truth. We face ourselves.
Whether the frontier is that of science or space, there is no doubt that at some point one must ask …If we had known, would we have followed this course?
Edited by Mike McPhail, with stories by Ian Randal Strock, Danielle Ackley-McPhail, Jody Lynn Nye, Peter Prellwitz, Jeff Young, Patrick Thomas, James Chambers, Robert E. Waters, John L. French, Christopher M. Hiles, Judi Fleming, Nancy Jane Moore, and Robert Greenberger.

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