Shelley Davidow

High Infidelity

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At forty-four, loyal English wife, Lara Winters discovers that Brock, her husband of 21 years, has been cheating on her. Devastated, desperate, she flees her home in London, and heads for the farthest place she can imagine, from her old, blinkered life. She heads for Australia.
On her first day in the hippie town of Byron Bay, Lara almost runs over the red‐haired, slightly raddled Ruby
in a car park. Relieved to be still alive, the warm‐hearted Aussie leases Lara a small cottage on her semi‐rural property where Lara’s journey of self-discovery begins …
The is a cleverly crafted story of self-discovery, resolution, and exploration and resolution of a woman's essential values — loyalty, monogamy, and abiding love. The reader makes the journey with Lara in thisa delightful and affirming read, full of wry humour and witty learning.
High Infidelity is a romance: commercial fiction for women over forty, who know that laughter and tears often go hand in hand, and who still dare to believe in love and happily-ever-after despite cellulite, sagging breasts and cruel infidelities.
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