Phillip Harris

The Authorities

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Recovery is a daily reprieve from active alcoholism, and awareness, acceptance, and right action are keys to healing and wellbeing. It's like climbing a mountain: as you ascend the slope onward and upward, the view toward the wide-open spaces is different depending upon which side you're climbing. The capacity for positive change and recovery is exactly the same at 10,000 feet on the northside as it is on the other sides of the mountain, but the view (experience) differs. In other words, the differences in your recovery and your neighbor's depend upon which face of the mountain you're on-they depend on how you look at your life's journey to sobriety.
When Douglas Michael Mercer entered the addiction treatment field more than three and a half decades ago, most counselors were recovering people themselves. That ratio has changed to the point that most people working in the profession aren't recovered but have been educated and trained to perform counseling for clients seeking a solution to their dilemma. He teaches this ability on a community college level, and he's optimistic that you and he together can make a quality difference in the lives of alcoholics and their families. He has an excellent record to prove what he claims, so come along with him to see what you're ready to become.
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