bookmate game
Owain Service,Rory Gallagher

Think Small

  • R Anandhar citeratför 2 år sedan
    To achieve big, you will need to think small
  • Marianahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    • Create an actionable plan
  • Mercy Ojohar citeratförra månaden
    We usually assume that when we set ourselves a goal we will probably pursue it with focus and attention, drawing heavily on our slower, reflective system.
  • Soliloquios Literarioshar citeratförra månaden
    It’s a curious and wonderful thing about the human condition that we are often a mystery to ourselves
  • b1745387005har citerati fjol
    Think Small is not a checklist.
  • gesposaspahar citeratför 2 år sedan
    trengthening your social relationships;

    getting healthy and active;

    learning something new;

    being more curious; and

    giving to others.
  • bhatiajyotikahar citeratför 10 timmar sedan
    However, there is growing evidence that learning later in life can improve your self-esteem, life satisfaction and sense of optimism.
  • bhatiajyotikahar citeratför 10 timmar sedan
    seems there are a complex range of factors that explain why this might be the case. They include biophysical responses to exercise (for example by boosting the release of endorphins), but it has also been shown that exercise increases our sense of ‘self-efficacy’, or our perceived ability to succeed in a task. These benefits can all flow from setting a goal to increase, often by modest amounts, the amount of physical activity we do. So, as you can see, it’s important to think about goals that can help make you and others healthier and happier.
  • bhatiajyotikahar citeratför 10 timmar sedan
    To put it another way, social isolation has a similar effect to smoking fifteen cigarettes a day. So you may wish to focus your goal on broadening or deepening your social relationships
  • bhatiajyotikahar citeratför 10 timmar sedan
    strengthening your social relationships;
    getting healthy and active;
    learning something new;
    being more curious; and
    giving to others.
    Most of us are awar
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