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Maturity in Christ

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 If there is a question about the authenticity of the biblical teachings of Jesus Christ, this book is not for you. Philosophies and religions have to be left outside the door. The legacy of Jesus Christ is settled forever. He is the Son of God, and His moral teachings cannot be questioned. The objective of this book is to learn how to surrender your life to Christ. It is on a spiritual level that many churchgoers are not interested in because of the sacrifices that will ultimately be asked of them. These spiritual revelations cannot be comprehended by intelligence or reason. They are revealed through our conscience, along with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ through daily Bible study and prayer (DBS&P). If the spiritual concept of “Christ within you” could be understood by human intelligence, then the simplehearted and the uneducated could never know salvation. With Christ, just the opposite is true, because through the mind of every human being lies the knowledge of God.
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