Resentment is like drinking a poison and waiting for the other person to die.”
Elinahar citeratför 5 år sedan
I’m very sane about how crazy I am.
sonyatrieeshar citeratför 10 månader sedan
Now, I’m certainly not asking anyone to feel bad for me or suggest that my existence could be described as a predicament of some kind.
Elinahar citeratför 5 år sedan
Resentment is like drinking a poison and waiting for the other person to die.
Elinahar citeratför 5 år sedan
it’s important to be able to distinguish the difference between a problem and an inconvenience.
Elinahar citeratför 5 år sedan
it’s not what you’re given, it’s how you take it.
Elinahar citeratför 5 år sedan
You know how they say that religion is the opiate of the masses? Well, I took masses of opiates religiously.
Elinahar citeratför 5 år sedan
Samuel Johnson once said that remarrying (and he’s not talking about marrying the same person here, just remarrying) is the “triumph of hope over experience.” So for me, remarrying the same person is the triumph of nostalgia over judgment.
Elinahar citeratför 5 år sedan
Years ago, there were tribes that roamed the earth, and every tribe had a magic person. Well, now, as you know, all the tribes have dispersed, but every so often you meet a magic person, and every so often, you meet someone from your tribe.
Elinahar citeratför 5 år sedan
all my friends made fun of me because they said the title of the film sounded like a fight between my original parents—Star Wars!