Murphy Morrison

Ashes Ashes

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Putting out fires is what Lieutenant Charlie McMahon does best. The streets of Chicago keep him busy and provide a respite from his family's chaos. But everything changes when his rescue squad is called to a house where female victims are found chained to a wall and burned alive. The terror becomes personal as the women are identified, leaving Charlie to reel over one, haunting question: What have I done? 

Detective Jeff Foley is a private man with a past he's worked hard to keep in the dark. When a new assignment at the Chicago Police Department coincides with his estranged brother coming back into his life, his past suddenly becomes his present. Only this time, he's not just a kid on the street. He now has a life worth fighting for and a wife and daughter he'll do anything to protect.

Talia Griffin is loyal to a fault. She puts her patients first and would do anything for her dad, the only family she has left. When he's pulled into an investigation that intersects with one of her patients at the hospital, she can't help but get involved. And when she does, she learns the hard way that no one is safe-that once you're in, there's no getting out.

Ashes Ashes tells the story of family, love, secrets, and betrayal. We see firsthand how the person we think we know can be the most unfamiliar of all, how webs of evil can extend beyond just one point in time, and how our enemies can be closer, and far greater, than we ever imagined.

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