bookmate game
Anna Zaires

Twist Me

  • Lucy E. Cosmehar citeratför 2 år sedan
    “Life is nothing more than a fucked-up roulette,” she says softly, “where the wheel keeps spinning and the wrong numbers keep coming up. You can cry about it all you want, but the truth of the matter is that this is as close to a winning ticket as it gets.”
  • melisaseferi01har citeratför 3 månader sedan
    gets up and walks toward me, still holding me with his gaze. He walks leisurely. Calmly. He’s completely sure of himself. And
  • Sara Capellihar citerati förrgår
    Because he touched you, laid his hands on you
  • Sara Capellihar citerati förrgår
    Because I didn’t like seeing you with him
  • thawalversha1606har citeratför 12 dagar sedan
    where the wheel keeps spinning and the wrong numbers keep coming up. You can cry about it all you want, but the truth of the matter is that this is as close to a winning ticket as it gets.”
  • thawalversha1606har citeratför 12 dagar sedan
    “Life is nothing more than a fucked-up roulette,”
  • Roibos Teabaghar citeratför 2 månader sedan
    Football. Something I know nothing about, but pretend I love because that’s where I see him. Out there on that field, practicing every day
  • Roibos Teabaghar citeratför 2 månader sedan
    Seventeen and crazy about Jake
  • strangerthingsel11har citeratför 2 månader sedan
    I try to imagine what sex with Jake would be like

    What is finna play- WOAHHHH

  • oliviastorreshar citeratför 2 månader sedan
    have no idea if I’ll like Jake as a person, but I certainly love how he looks without his shirt.
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