Elizabeth Murphy

A Wise Child

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An enthralling post-World War One family saga—and a gritty love letter to Liverpool—from the author of When Day Is Done.
Born at the turn of the twentieth century, in a dilapidated house in the Liverpool docklands, Nellie Williams endures a childhood of ill treatment by her mother. She escapes into domestic service with a kindly employer, but when he dies, she is taken on by Joshua Leadbitter. He assaults the innocent girl, and she flees home.
Sensing her unhappiness, Janey, a scheming lodger, swiftly arranges a marriage between the girl and Sam Meadows, a sailor who once befriended her. The rape is concealed from Sam and when Nellie’s son, Tommy, is born eight months later, there is doubt about his parentage.
As insecurities grow, and Nellie and Sam are pushed to their breaking point, they will be forced to face the truth behind Tommy’s heritage, and make a huge decision . . .
Praise for the novels of Elizabeth Murphy
“A family saga you just won’t be able to put down.” —Prima
“Rich in authentic period details . . . A time machine back to the past. This is how history should be written!” —Terrace Review
“Hard to beat . . . A gripping family saga.” —Manchester Evening News
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