Dave Armstrong

Biblical Catholic Salvation: ""Faith Working Through Love"

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Catholic apologist and author Dave Armstrong leads the reader on a fascinating theological journey through many different aspects related to salvation and justification theology (soteriology). Special emphasis is devoted to demonstrating that Catholics do not believe in “works-salvation”. It may surprise some to learn that Catholics, like Protestants, embrace Grace Alone and reject Pelagianism and also semi-Pelagianism. The overwhelming theme is the biblical evidence for Catholic soteriological positions. To that end, there are 379 biblical passages fully written out (RSV), for the convenience of the reader. The final 115 pages (out of 187): chapters 10 through 16, are devoted specifically to a critique of Calvinism (or self-described “Reformed” theology) and its beliefs with regard to the five points of what is known as “TULIP” (total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace, and perseverance of the saints).
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