Chad Veach

Unreasonable Hope

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  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    confident expectation based on solid certainty.
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    important to expect and anticipate that something better is coming next.
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    and confidence in God. It is vital to Christianity. We must trust that God is real, that Jesus is his Son, and that he sent his Son to die for us and forgive us of our sins.
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    Don’t stop at faith. Have hope!
    “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love” (1 Cor. 13:13, emphasis added).
    Faith is having complete trust
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    From now on, I’m going to make you a fisher of men. Your life is going to be about people. I’m changing your destiny.”
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    Matthew 7:11 says, “If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give goo
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    ur Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!”
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    He’s ready to overflow our boat and give us more than we need.
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    I think that when we ask God for something, we often think too small.
  • Khanyisile Maphumulohar citeratför 7 år sedan
    realize these were the moments when we had placed our hope in God.
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